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Above the Clouds


For Faculty


Lesson Plans


We have several lesson plans that you can use to incorporate information about English Internships at ODU, including as homework or low- and high-stakes assignments.


YouTube Channel

Our YouTube channel hosts all of our internship interviews. Looking for a specific type of internship or wish to embed an interview in a PowerPoint? Follow the link to our channel to find what you need!


Student ePortfolios

Students enrolled in an English Internship for credit must complete an ePortfolio at the end of the semester which includes their reflection on their internship. Take a look at some past ePortfolios!

Blue Curved Tubes

The Mellon Grant

The Mellon Foundation supports equitable access to higher learning and can help provide financial support for students who might not get paid at their internships in certain fields. Students in unpaid internships at nonprofits, government offices, and even ODU can receive funding through a grant from the Mellon Foundation.

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